Welcome to JCS Medical Diagnostics

We are a team of medical laboratory scientists,pharmacists,doctors,nurses,biochemists,community healthcare workers,PPmvs etc.,working together to increase Nigerian's life span from 54 years to 85 years atleast comprehensive diagnosis,timely results and referral to the appropriate health institution as the case may be ,healthcare awareness and publications. These are our primary assignments i.e to protect life and health and respect autonomy with fairness and justice by making sure right samples are collected,analyzed/or referred and results obtained at the right time.

Complications of H.Pylori Infections

H. pylori, or Helicobacter pylori, is a gram-negative, micro-aerophilic bacterium that lives primarily in the digestive tract. It is associated with Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, gastric ulcers, cancers of the stomach and other stomach problems. Helicobacter pylori symptoms include nausea, vomiting blood, and an overall loss of appetite in addition to severe abdominal pain. Direct mouth-to-mouth transmission is the most common route of transmission, but contaminated food or water can also spread the disease. Helicobacter pylori (H. Pylori) infections can lead to a variety of unpleasant side effects, including gastric ulcers, gastritis, and even stomach cancer.read more .

Dermatophytes in children

Tinea capitis is a common superficial fungal infection of the scalp and hair which is a type of dermatophytes characterized by its invasion into hair follicles and keratinized layer of hairy skin leading to hair loss, scaling, kerion, folliculitis, favus, black dot grey patch type, erythema or impetigo-like lesions. Tinea capitis is not really a worm but a fungal infection. It gets the name “ringworm” because the causative fungals makes circular marks on the skin often with flat centers and raised border which is as a result of the host reaction to the enzymes released by the fungus during its digestive process. Scalp and hair shafts can also be affected thereby causing small patches of itchy and scaly. It is a highly contagious infection that is usually spread by sharing personal belonging like combs, towel, hats, pillows ,clipper, formites etc. ...read more .

Get in Touch!


C.J Ogba



Nurse Edith Anietie Edet



No.7 St. Gab Street,In God We Trust Lodge,Nodu,Awka-South,Anambra,Nigeria.